My work is designed according to the specific challenges and goals for the moment and needs of the brands.
Marketing is fundamental in the fashion industry to generate sales and add value. The greater the brand equity, the greater the consumer loyalty and credibility of the company.
Main points of marketing in the business:
• Development and negotiation of the media plan.
• Monitoring and managing ROI (return on investment).
• Art direction and communications for advertising campaigns.
• Retail calendar sales actions.
• Planning of events and launches in the various sales channels.
Currently at Calvin Klein, I am responsible for the digital media performance planning of the CK ecommerce and the entire management of the business operation (SGA, P&L).
Some additional projects:
- Launch event of The Denim City SP (international client from Amsterdam, creation and coordination of the event for the board and president of the textile and fashion market in Brazil with the presence of the Dutch consul and participation in the business implementation project plan in Brazil ).
- Launch event of the Summer 2018/2019 collection of the Zune, Rock&Soda, Disparate, Uber and Rock&Soda Lab brands (2-day event, Art & Jeans customization, Polako Band Show, actress Sabrina Sato among other attractions).
- Carmim apparel and accessories brand Marketing Director from 2004 to 2011 and Carmim Marketing Advisor until 2017.

Alguns projetos realizados:
- Evento de lançamento do projeto The Denim City SP (cliente internacional de Amsterdã, criação e coordenação do evento para diretoria e presidência do mercado têxtil e de moda do Brasil com presença do cônsul Holandês e participação no projeto do plano de implantação do negócio no Brasil)
- Evento de lançamento da coleção Verão 2018/2019 das marcas Zune, Rock&Soda, Disparate, Uber e Rock&Soda Lab ( 2 dias de evento, customização de Arte & Jeans, Show banda Polako, atriz e apresentadora Sabrina Sato entre outras atrações )
- Diretor de marketing da Carmim 2004 a 2011 e conselheiro do marketing Carmim até 2017.